[ Gone Free ] Princess Match: A Memory-style game with princess and fantasy details and three different versions of gameplay


Princess Match for Kids
(4 stars with 10 Ratings)
Universal App
$2.99Free for a limited time


The game of Memory is one that nearly every kid played when they were bored, but it hasn’t really changed much over the years. That is, unless you’ve played Princess Match, because this version stands out for anyone drawn to princesses and fantasy.

Princess Match is pretty basic: it’s a Memory-style matching game in which you’ll have to flip cards over to show the faces underneath and match them accordingly with their partner card somewhere else on the board. However, this app comes with three different versions to play: the classic version, Princess mode, and Arcade. This and the five different difficulty settings give you a little variety in your match playing.

The app is easy for anyone to use, including children, as the navigation tools are intuitive and straightforward. The cards are designed in pink and endearing colors, coupled together with handrawn graphics on the cards. You can play by yourself, or try your hand at challenging some friends in multiplayer mode. If you’re in the market for a new game for yourself or your child when you’re all bored a little, try out Princess Match. We think you’ll be pleased with what you find.

App Screenshots

Source: http://ift.tt/1VF96QP