(4 stars with 641 Ratings)
Universal App
I’m a fan of reading, but sometimes it can take too long to get through a specific article or story, when I really just need to get going. For those of you who want to learn how to read faster and more efficiently, there’s an app called ReadQuick, also featured by Apple as App of the Week.
ReadQuick is an appropriately named speed reading app that will help train your eyes and brain to read faster. It syncs up with services like Pocket, Instapaper, and Readability to give you access to your articles you have in your pipeline, and then helps you quickly go through them by displaying words at a rapid pace one at a time. You can set the speed at what you want, but the gist is that the faster the words appear in succession the more quickly you’ll get through whatever you’re reading. It’s easy to use and will help you go through your list of articles in no time.
App Screenshots
Source: http://ift.tt/1mNHXp1