Editor’s Pick: Krashlander – Ski, Jump, Crash!
(4 stars with 536 Ratings)
Universal App
Today we have a physics-driven ski game that sports itself a wonderful interface and intriguing gameplay. It’s called Krashlander.
The idea behind Krashlander is simple: control your skier as you make your way across various landscapes and hills. Your ultimate goal is to crash into evil robots that have taken over the world by storm with your last dying breath. The whole thing is done up in a minimalist look that has a silhouette feel to it, providing a wonderfully unique experience. You’ll fly down mountains, soar over deep chasms, and destroy as many evil robots as possible with your crazy crashes.
Krashlander features excellent level design that will delight you as you make a 360 degree backflip in the air near the mountain top. The crashes you’ll experience have a ragdoll effect to them. The controls are touch based, leaving you to control various stance of the skier while sliding downhill.
While it’s a simple and straightforward experience, it’s anything but simple. So grab Krashlander and go on this beautiful, suicidal ski mission yourself.
App Screenshots
Source: http://ift.tt/1e2cOkJ